ZanzoCam - Internal documentation

Internal documentation for zanzocam-core.

Better documentation coming soon.


Details of the constants stored in the zanzocam.constants module.

zanzocam.constants.AUTOHOTSPOT_BINARY_PATH = '/usr/bin/autohotspot'

Path to the autohotspot script

zanzocam.constants.BACKUP_CRONJOB = PosixPath('/home/runner/work/zanzocam-core/zanzocam-core/zanzocam/data/.crontab.bak')

Path to the crontab’s backup

zanzocam.constants.BASE_PATH = PosixPath('/home/runner/work/zanzocam-core/zanzocam-core/zanzocam')

Folder containing the source code

zanzocam.constants.CAMERA_DEFAULTS = {'awb_mode': 'auto', 'background_color': (0, 0, 0, 0), 'date_format': '%d %B %Y', 'extension': 'jpg', 'height': 100, 'hor_flip': False, 'jpeg_quality': 90, 'jpeg_subsampling': 0, 'let_awb_settle_in_dark': False, 'name': 'no-name', 'rotation': 0, 'time_format': '%H:%M', 'use_low_light_algorithm': True, 'ver_flip': False, 'width': 100}

Fallback values for the camera configuration

zanzocam.constants.CAMERA_LOGS = PosixPath('/home/runner/work/zanzocam-core/zanzocam-core/zanzocam/data/camera')

Logs produced during the main procedure (will be sent to the server)

zanzocam.constants.CAMERA_WARM_UP_TIME = 5

Time to allow the firmware to compute the right exposure in normal light conditions (AWB requires more)

URL to check to ensure Internet is reachable

zanzocam.constants.CONFIGURATION_FILE = PosixPath('/home/runner/work/zanzocam-core/zanzocam-core/zanzocam/data/configuration.json')

Main configuration file

zanzocam.constants.CRONJOB_FILE = '/etc/cron.d/zanzocam'

Path to the system crontab

zanzocam.constants.DATA_PATH = PosixPath('/home/runner/work/zanzocam-core/zanzocam-core/zanzocam/data')

Folder containing the data used by the ZanzoCam for its operations

zanzocam.constants.FAILURE_REPORT_PATH = PosixPath('/home/runner/work/zanzocam-core/zanzocam-core/zanzocam/data/failure_report.txt')

Logs produced in case of issues with the server

zanzocam.constants.FONT_PATH = '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSans.ttf'

Path to the default font (can be customized if you install another font)

zanzocam.constants.FTP_CONFIG_FILE_ENCODING = 'utf-8'

Ecoding of the FTP server files

zanzocam.constants.HOTSPOT_FLAG = PosixPath('/home/runner/work/zanzocam-core/zanzocam-core/zanzocam/data/hotspot.flag')

Whether the hotspot is allowed

zanzocam.constants.IMAGE_OVERLAYS_PATH = PosixPath('/home/runner/work/zanzocam-core/zanzocam-core/zanzocam/data/overlays')

Local camera overlays path

zanzocam.constants.INITIAL_LOW_LIGHT_ISO = 400

Starting ISO level for low light pictures

zanzocam.constants.LOCALE = 'it_IT.utf8'


zanzocam.constants.LOG_NAME_FORMAT = 'logs %d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S.log'

Used with datetime to format the log name

zanzocam.constants.MAX_SHUTTER_SPEED = 9500000

Max shutter speed allowed by the camera hardware

zanzocam.constants.MINIMUM_DAYLIGHT_LUMINANCE = 60

Minimum luminance for the daytime. If the detected luminance goes below this value, the night mode kicks in.

zanzocam.constants.MINIMUM_NIGHT_LUMINANCE = 30

Minimum luminance to target for pictures in low light conditions.

zanzocam.constants.MIN_SHUTTER_SPEED = 30000

Min shutter speed for low light, the max that PiCamera would use with automatic settings

zanzocam.constants.NO_LUMINANCE_SHUTTER_SPEED = 2000000

What “random” shutter speed to use if the image is so black that the equation doesn’t work

zanzocam.constants.NO_LUMINANCE_THRESHOLD = 1

When to consider the image totally black, where the low light estimation doesn’t work well

zanzocam.constants.OVERLAY_DEFAULTS = {'background_color': (255, 255, 255, 0), 'font_color': (0, 0, 0), 'font_size': 30, 'heigth': None, 'image': None, 'over_the_picture': False, 'padding': 10, 'text': '... testo ...', 'width': None}

Fallback values for the image overlays

zanzocam.constants.PICAMERA_AWB_MODES = ['off', 'auto', 'sunlight', 'cloudy', 'shade', 'tungsten', 'fluorescent', 'incandescent', 'flash', 'horizon']

White balancing modes from picamera

zanzocam.constants.PICTURE_LOGS = PosixPath('/home/runner/work/zanzocam-core/zanzocam-core/zanzocam/data/picture_logs.txt')

Temporary camera logs for the web UI

zanzocam.constants.PREVIEW_PICTURE = PosixPath('/home/runner/work/zanzocam-core/zanzocam-core/zanzocam/web_ui/static/previews/zanzocam-preview.jpg')

Path to the preview picture in the web UI

zanzocam.constants.PREVIEW_PICTURE_URL = 'static/previews/zanzocam-preview.jpg'

URL to the preview picture in the web UI

zanzocam.constants.REMOTE_IMAGES_PATH = 'configuration/overlays/'

Remote camera overlays path

zanzocam.constants.REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 60

Timeout for HTTP requests

zanzocam.constants.SEND_LOGS_FLAG = PosixPath('/home/runner/work/zanzocam-core/zanzocam-core/zanzocam/data/send-logs.flag')

Whether to send the logs to the server

zanzocam.constants.SERVER_LOG = PosixPath('/home/runner/work/zanzocam-core/zanzocam-core/zanzocam/data/interface.log')

Logs of the local server (stay on disk and get rotated)

zanzocam.constants.SYSTEM_USER = 'zanzocam-bot'

Main user of the system, must be able to perform a passwordless sudo

zanzocam.constants.TARGET_LUMINOSITY_MARGIN = 3

How much tolerance to give to the low light search algorithm

zanzocam.constants.TEMP_CRONJOB = PosixPath('/home/runner/work/zanzocam-core/zanzocam-core/zanzocam/data/.tmp-cronjob-file')

Temporary crontab path

zanzocam.constants.VERSION = '1.3.2'

ZanzoCam version

zanzocam.constants.WAIT_AFTER_CAMERA_FAIL = 30

Time to wait in between failed shots of the camera (to overcome colliding crontabs)

zanzocam.constants.ZANZOCAM_EXECUTABLE = '/home/zanzocam-bot/venv/bin/z-webcam'

Location of the z-webcam executable

Main module

The module contains the main script that is executed at every trigger.

Here is some internal documentation of it.

Configuration module

Details of the module.

class Optional[Path] = None)

Bases: object

Manages the configurations.

backup(path: Optional[str] = None)

Creates a backup copy of the configuration file.

NOTE: we backup from memory and not simply copy the file because the file might have been overwritten by a server (server.update_configuration()) in the meantime.

static create_from_dictionary(data: Dict, path: Optional[Path] = None) Configuration

Creates a Configuration object starting from a dictionary. Will save the configuration file at the specified path.


Return all the information relative to the settings used to take and render the picture.


Return all the information relative to the settings used to connect to the server.


Return either the start time defined, or 00:00


Return either the stop time defined, or 23:59


Return all the information relative to the settings that should be applied to the system.

For now is just the time settings.

list_overlays() List[str]

List all the overlay images that should be downloaded from the server

restore_backup() bool

Restores the configuration file from its backup copy. Does not try to reload the old config.

Returns True in case of no errors, False otherwise.

within_active_hours() Optional[bool]

Compares the current time with the start-stop times.

Returns True if inside the interval, False if outside, None if an error occured.'/home/runner/work/zanzocam-core/zanzocam-core/zanzocam/data/configuration.json', backup_path='/home/runner/work/zanzocam-core/zanzocam-core/zanzocam/data/configuration.json.bak', quiet: bool = False) Optional[Configuration]

Load current configuration from disk, or try with its backup if the file is not found.

Returns None if some error occurred.

System module

Details of the module.

Camera module

Details of the module.

Overlays module

Details of the module.

class str, data: Dict, photo_width: int, photo_height: int, date_format: Optional[str], time_format: Optional[str])

Bases: object

Represents one overlay to add to the picture.

compute_position(image_width: int, image_height: int, border_top: int, border_bottom: int) Tuple[int, int]

Returns the x,y position in the picture where this overlay should be pasted.

create_image_overlay() Any

Prepares an overlay containing an image. Might return None in case of issues.

create_text_overlay(photo_width: int, photo_height: int) Any

Prepares an overlay containing text. In case of issues, self.overlay_image will stay None.

process_text(font: Any, max_line_length: int) Tuple[int, int]

Measures and insert returns into the text to make it fit into the image.

Utils module

Details of the module.

class*, skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=True, check_circular=True, allow_nan=True, sort_keys=False, indent=None, separators=None, default=None)

Bases: JSONEncoder

To transform every value into a string


Implement this method in a subclass such that it returns a serializable object for o, or calls the base implementation (to raise a TypeError).

For example, to support arbitrary iterators, you could implement default like this:

def default(self, o):
        iterable = iter(o)
    except TypeError:
        return list(iterable)
    # Let the base class default method raise the TypeError
    return JSONEncoder.default(self, o) str) None

Logs the message to the console str, e: Optional[Exception] = None, fatal: Optional[str] = None) None

Logs an error to the console str = '=') None

Logs a row to the console int, wait_for: float)

Makes the decorated function try to run without exceptions ‘times’ times. If an exception occurs, logs it and tries again after wait_for seconds. Otherwise returns at the first successful attempt.

Returns None in case there is an exception at the last run as well.

Custom Errors

Details of the module.


Bases: Exception